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DICP Symposium (XVI) on Fuel Cells
www.dicp.ac.cn    发布时间:2012-10-26 12:42栏目类别:国际会议

Website:http://symposium.dicp.ac.cn/ Time:October 22-23, 2008

Introduction:DICP Symposium on Testing and Standardization in Fuel Cells will be meeting in Dalian, a beautiful city in the northeast of China, from Oct 22-23, 2009, organized by Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics(DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. This symposium is expected to attract scientists around the globe in the fields of fuel cells.The symposium will be a forum for international experts in academia, industry and government labs to foster research in fuel cells. Opportunities will exist for researchers to exchange ideas on the fundamentals, engineering and materials related of fuel cells.The program consists of several invited plenary lectures by the famous scientists around the world.

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中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 燃料电池研究部 版权所有 辽ICP备05000861号
Copyright. Fuel Cell and Battery Division, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.